11 November 2010

Air Asia: Teaser, Perhaps for an Upcoming Sale [Stay Tuned: 15 November 2010]

     Remember how disappointed I am because there's no Air Asia seat sale for Tokyo?  Well, lo and behold, Air Asia released a teaser via Facebook about their possibly upcoming sale.  It's just a picture, but it does paint a thousand words.  See for yourself:

     As you can see, Australia, India, China (or perhaps, Hong Kong? It's possibly Taiwan), Japan, Korea and London are representing, like they're parading for United Nations Day.  I honestly don't know which country the girl between Ms. Korea and Mr. UK is representing, but it looks like China to me.  Can they get any cuter?  So kawaii!

    I'm so excited, to tell you the truth, considering that I'm contemplating on visiting Japan. Indeed, good things come to those who wait.  We'll just have to see if the sale would extend to the latter part of November 2011.  I'd really, really want to spend a week during autumn in Japan.  If not, however, I'll just have to wait for Cebu Pacific's sale going to Osaka, Japan.  Or, I might get a ticket going to Tokyo via Air Asia and a return ticket via Cebu Pacific from Osaka, Japan.  I would have to get a Japan Rail Pass either way, so I think I have several options for me to choose from.  I'd really like to stay for a day in Kuala Lumpur and go to the Petronas Tower up to the observation deck/bridge, too, so going from Manila to Kuala Lumpur, and from there, to Tokyo, isn't a bad idea either.  Costly, but still enticing.

     It'll be a happy sale hunting for me.  Yay!


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